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Annual participation forms are required for all students. 

All students must have a physical to participate (every year) dated after April 1st and before E-Day.

All forms must be completed before E-Day on July 27, 2024.





New members, please contact our Freshman Liaisons.

They are available to assist all new member's questions

and get you connected by email & text.


Our main method of communication is via email and text and is through a software

called Cut Time.

All students and parents must register in Cut Time.

Contact Freshman Liaisons or Secretary for more information on how to register.


Cav Band News is our weekly newsletter containing all the information you need.



Make sure to download & Sync to the google calendar. 






Marching season begins with Summer Band Camp on July 22

for all freshmen winds, all guard, and all percussion. 


All members will attend Summer Band Camp on July 31.


We kick off the season with Everything Day (E-Day) on July 27

ALL students & parents attend this event. 


All forms must be completed and will be verified, students will be sized for gloves/shoes,

get their instrument locker, sign up for band photos, pick up the gear ordered from our store, verify you have registered for our communications, and pay the annual band fees. 


It is extremely important that everyone attends E-Day.




Supporting Our Students


The Lake Travis High School Band Boosters is comprised of family, friends,

and supporters of the band. We work to raise money to support the band program and volunteer to help with band events, activities, and performances.


The Lake Travis High School Band Boosters is a 501(c)3 organization governed by

an Executive Board. The Executive Board works with committee chairs, which help manage various activities and fundraisers. Lake Travis Band parents can get organizational updates and find out how to get involved by attending Booster meetings held monthly throughout the year. 


See the calendar for dates.


Click to learn more   


Lake Travis Band Parents, Inc.
2121 Lohman’s Crossing Rd
Ste 504-305
Lakeway, TX  78734

©2024 by Lake Travis Band.

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